The Basics and More Cook Book

Left:  front cover; Right:  Back cover

Here's an excellent, thick, cookbook, The Basics and More Cook Book, with 1300 recipes, many from Mennonite contributors.  Between 1988 and 2011, the publisher says they have sold 93,000 of these cookbooks.  You will often find them at Mennonite or Amish stores, where I picked up mine. 
I like the basic recipes that use ingredients most of us have on hand, and the imaginative use of garden produce.  By the same folks, Old Order Mennonite market gardeners, who put out the Practical Produce Cook Book, another of my favorites.  This one also has some canning and preserving recipes, including pie fillings with clearjel, and recipes for making sausage, bologna, mincemeat and the like, as well as pickles, relishes, salsas, sauces, jams, etc.


  1. Your blog and blogging is so beautiful!!!! I'm happy to have found this while on my 'Internet journey' to look for recipes from the old Farm Journal magazines. I'm also happy that I have this cookbook you are referring to, but I have the Copyright 1991 edition and I bought it in a little store in Mosinee, WI, while on my way to Marshfield. I was so impressed with this book that I bought copies for my daughters, also. My 'ameteur' recipe blog is at and is 'baby steps' in comparison to yours and how you have yours arranged. GREAT JOB!!! I am going to have a whole lot of fun looking through everything you've posted. THANK YOU.
    If I post where I got the recipe from, do I have permission to make things you've made and show them on my blog? Just makin' sure ahead of time.

  2. Doris,
    We're happy that you would like to try some of the recipes we have tried and liked - after all, there are really no "new" recipes, just ones you haven't made yet. So many to try, so little time.


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