The Simple and Delicious Cook Book

The Simple and Delicious Cook Book from Taste of Home is from 2007 – and includes 256 pages of fast recipes – that take 10, 20 and 30 minutes.  For all that, the recipes don’t use an excessive amount of processed convenience foods – something I especially like.  
This is a book that will get you in the kitchen again…beautiful photos, clear directions, lots of fruits and vegetables.  You won't feel like you need to eat out - you can prepare a good meal just as fast.


  1. I am so looking forward to this, since i found your blog I have been enjoying trying out your recipes, unfortunately my waistline tells how good they are. I may have to use a smaller plate in the future.

    1. That's what we do! I usually use a "luncheon" size plate - not the huge plates that everyone seems to use today.
      Helps keep us somewhat on the straight and narrow. Putting away any "planned overs" before serving our plates helps too.


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