Family Favorites...Baby Beef Liver and Onions

When I worked as a hospital dietitian, whenever we had beef liver on the cafeteria menu, the lines were longer and very few chose the other entrée choice.  It didn’t matter where we were, Iowa, Minnesota, Georgia or Texas, those folks in the line said “I’m the only one at home who eats liver – so I have to get it here.”  Our local family restaurant serves liver regularly on its “senior” menu – and they prepare it correctly – tender and moist.  Liver was served often when we were kids…nutritious, full of iron and protein, and inexpensive.
I have been making this recipe from “Betty Crocker Cooking for Two” since I’ve been married – it comes out perfectly.  My husband said today – “the liver’s go-o-o-o-od”.  I can only buy it locally frozen in packages that serve 4; he cuts the package in half for me while still frozen.  Don’t overcook liver, it gets tough as shoe leather – I usually find 10 minutes is enough.
Baby Beef Liver and Onions
  2             medium sweet onions -- sliced
     ½         pound  beef liver -- 1/2" slices
                 bacon fat or (lard or shortening)
Peel and slice onions.  Cook in hot bacon fat until golden.  Cover and cook slowly until tender.  Remove to warm plate and keep warm.
Dip the slices of liver in flour.  Brown in hot bacon fat.  Season.  Cook over low heat 10-15 minutes, turning once.  I add a tablespoon or 2 of water before covering.
Serve hot, topped with onions.
2011 Cost:  $1.31 or 66¢ per serving
Per Serving: 204 Calories; 5g Fat (20.3% calories from fat); 24g Protein; 16g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 402mg Cholesterol; 86mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 2 1/2 Lean Meat; 1 1/2 Vegetable.


  1. Yes. I know just what you mean! My 2 sisters and I all love liver and it was made and served just as you have outlined at home. Now we have all married hubbies that were not raised on this dish. We sometimes get together and make this for the girls and a meatloaf for the gentlemen. Good post!

  2. We always had liver and onions and gravy. When I married, my husband refused to eat it, so I did not cook it. People in our church who had a cow slaughtered for the freezer always sent me the liver when they found out how much I loved it. I had about a five hour trip to my mother's house in Memphis. I would write her and tell her what day I would arrive with liver. Of course, I always timed it so we would get there before dinner. I wrapped the frozen liver in newspaper, put it in a plastic bag and placed it in the trunk. When I arrived, the liver went straight to the kitchen and was still icy cold. We told my three kids it was steak. They loved it. My mother was overworked as it was, so when she looked so worn out and asked me what she could cook that husband would like, I informed her he could have peanut butter and jelly. He was warned not to say anything against the liver as being nasty. He really did not mind having the sandwich because he like eating children meals. He was from NY and either loved or hated Southern dishes. Now, I need liver, calf liver!

  3. I was raised on baby beef liver and loved it! Mom always served it with bacon strips, too. When I was in college and eating in the cafeteria, they would have it every now and then but on those nights, the McDonald's near campus was crowded with kids who professed to HATE liver. It's all in the way it's prepared, isn't it?

  4. I think that you either love or hate liver. There is no inbetween! I don't fix it often because Lyle hates it and had to eat it as a child.
    Sue's lucky that her family will eat it. Looks good, doesn't it.

  5. My mom makes liver with onions, whole strips of bacon and buttered egg noodles. Heaven on a plate :) She buys a really thick, homemade style noodles which are great.


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