The weather has been hot and muggy here, so to finish off the week and as we are doing Salads this week, I made do it yourself Chef Salads for supper last night.
I put the iceberg lettuce ( I really like just plain iceberg as opposed to mixed greens) in individual bowls and set the rest of the things out for each of us to make our own.
There was sliced hard boiled eggs, sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, sliced radishes, Green pepper strips, Blue cheese crumbles, shredded Cheddar cheese and some sliced sweet onion. I cubed up some ready to eat Ham and there we were, ready to go. This was very inexpensive to make, the lettuce was on sale, I had the rest of the veggies and cheese on hand and the rest of the small piece of Ham will make us another meal.
This will be even better when the garden crops start coming in and then we will have this more often, I find it useful to fix at the end of the week to clean up the odds and ends. In the winter I would make soup out of these same leftovers, except for the eggs. As I am a Celiac sufferer this is something I can eat also.
This next week we are going to do a week of Pasta recipes that we and our families enjoy, Hope yours do too. Have a Great Holiday Weekend and remember our Veterans on their day.
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