Sunday in Iowa...

Center of town in West Chester Iowa 
(population 148)
Lovely Iris


  1. Replies
    1. I always think small towns are nice and the iris were so thick and smelled good.

  2. Small towns bring back memories. Bird Island was a town of about 200 when I lived there as a kid. Then the town I lived in where I raised my kids was about 2000, which doubled in the summer with all the lake people. Sometimes I miss the smaller communities, but I'm also pretty spoiled! Have a lovely week. I always look forward to the recipes AND the Sunday posts!

  3. Oh...and yes! I love the smell of irises. We've had some gorgeous black ones that were heavenly. And the purples that smell like grape juice! Ours are up but haven't checked them since the snow we had over the wkend. We have a new one that I'm anxious to see bloom.

    1. Nadine, you sound like our grandmother who was always looking for a new variety of Galds.
      Sure glad we didn't have any snow over the weekend as I have rhubarb and Peonies up and our rose bush is leafed out.

  4. Actually, we inherited the lovely irises when we bought a house! ;-) I covered our new lilac bushes just to be on the safe side with the snow coming. Removed the covers this morning from the lilacs & the clematis. We don't have the house with those nice irises anymore. I walked by one house the other day that they had pulled everything imaginable out of the garage to cover their plants to protect them. It was a heavy wet snow. Not good for the trees & new plants. The snow is pretty much gone though & it's supposed to be 60 on Wed, 75 on Fri & 80 on Sat. Crazy but typical spring!

  5. How nice to see my town on your website!! When I was growing up almost every house had a big flower and vegetable garden. These beautiful flowers downtown always remind me of that time.

    On another note, I've always enjoyed your blog and use several of your recipes. Thank you!

  6. Jane, so nice to hear from someone who lives there. You have a nice small town and I always enjoy driving through it.
    Glad you like the blog and use some of the recipes. We grew up with parents and grandparents who were gardeners
    and so were most of the folks in town and the countryside.


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