Sunday in Iowa...

The Vermeer Windmill 
and the Historical Village
in Pella, Iowa
This is a working grain windmill that was imported from Holland


  1. I have been to Pella and seen this beautiful place.

    1. Thanks husband and I lived there for 25 years until we moved back closer to our families...and it is a beautiful, well-kept town and a fun place to visit.

  2. Imported from Holland . . . can't imagine the task that was! Growing up in Illinois, my family often drove to a "preserve" with a lake where we spent the day swimming and picnicking. On the grounds was a preserved windmill that looked like this one (but smaller) that had once been used by farmers bringing their grain to be ground into flour. I wonder if it's still there these sixty years later . . .

  3. The mill was imported and built in Pella over the summer of 2002.
    Click on "Vermeer Windmill" to go to the Historical Society page.

  4. I like reading this blog. As I came by this photografe I thought....It looks like the Netherlands overthere. Then reading the comment, it was dutch hahaha. I am dutch and living in the Netherlands.

    1. Pella is a very Dutch settlement,( town) and proud of its Heritage.


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