Do You Remember?

Do you remember...?

When you went to the Post Office to get your mail?
When in the Spring the baby chickens came to the Post Office?
When you walked in the Post Office and could hear all of the baby chicks going peep, peep, peep?


  1. What memories you bring back. We had a big farm and I remember the mail carrier delivering the baby chicks. Did not have to go to the post office! Thank you!

  2. I don't know if the rural carriers did that where we lived in Minnesota or not, sure remember the people picking them up at the Post Office though, Including our Grandma. You knew Spring was here as it had to be warm enough to ship them.

  3. Yes, even though we have a mail box out on the highway, we still have to go to the post office to pick up ordered chicks. They always call early in the morning (6-7 a.m.) when the big mail truck carrying them comes in.

    1. So they are still doing that, I wondered. In a small city postoffice like ours, I don't think you see as much of that as we also have two Farm Stores in town.


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