Do You Remember?

Do you remember these stylish electric coffee percolators?  The Sunbeam coffeemaster vacuum pot?
Those polypropylene ones?  In those 60's and 70's colors?
Or freeze-dried instant coffee when it first came out?
Electric percolators were popular from the 30's to the 70's when Mr. Coffee came out with the first successful electric drip coffee maker in 1972.  Nescafe invented instant freeze-dried coffee in 1938.  
I actually had one of the poly coffee pots in avocado green- my sister-in-law Bonnie said she had a yellow one; they stained terribly, and didn't last long.
Our parents and grandparents never had electric coffee pots, and in fact, I never had one until I married.  But they never missed coffee time at 9 am and 3pm.


  1. I still have one of those electric coffee pots, stored away in the cupboard above my refrigerator. Wonder if it still works??

    1. I tried worked but didn't make a good coffee as I remembered...I may not have had the grind right. I had a stainless Farberware percolator.

  2. I still have and use on occasion my electric pot which above all others, still makes the best coffee. Mine is very much like bottom-center.

  3. I had a lovely stainless steel percolator as a wedding present. Shortly after my marriage in 1969 I went to live in Singapore for a couple of years. We had an amah to help in the house and she plunged the whole thing in the washing up bowl and that was the end of that! Grrr...

  4. I remember in the mid 70s when at Christmas my grandparents were gifted their first drip coffee maker. Grandma was concerned Grandpa might not like the coffee but said they would try it out. In their later years they went back to using the percolator with an electric timer attached to the outlet so they would wake up to fresh coffee. I currently use a perculator too, it makes a good cup of coffee.


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