Merry Christmas...

Myrna and I have shared many Christmas seasons…..not always together, except in our hearts.  We feel fortunate to live near each other these days.  After many years, you appreciate those people who share your memories.
We hope this Christmas season you'll make some happy memories too.


  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you!!! Hope you have a great holiday and lots of wonderful food and memories!

  3. I'm happy for you two. Merry Christmas to both of you.

  4. Merry Christmas, Sue and Myrna! This website is really wonderful and a testament to your relationship. You two are so lucky to have each other!

    Not having a sister is one of my greatest regrets--I wish I had one to share memories with! Now, I do have plenty of brothers--and boy howdy, we made some good memories together!--but they don't seem to remember things quite the way I do! Must be the old feminine .vs. masculine perspective thing...

  5. I hope you and Myrna had a wonderful Christmas! I understand exactly what you mean about being with those who share your memories, and I appreciate that more each year. Thank you for your blog. It's one of my top three!


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