Sunday in Iowa...

A root cellar cave with a small building for an entrance...
A popular way to preserve garden produce without refrigeration that offers some protection from tornados.  A local concrete works here sells modern root cellar/storm cellars you can bury in your yard if you don't have one built years ago like this one.
In the country near Webster, Ia


  1. It was interesting to see the small root cellar cave and the small building at its entrance. It brought back memories of my Grandma and Grandpa's root cellar. I was maybe around 4 or 5 years old the last time I saw it. It did not have any small building in front of it, but I can't remember what the door was like. I think it was a straight up and down door, as opposed to being slanted, and there were a few concrete steps down into it. It was dug into a hill and Grandma's strawberry patch was on top of it. It would have been a scary place but my Mom and Grandma were there with me and there were jars and jars of fruit, and vegetables lined up on the shelves. I don't remember if had electricity to it or if we were using a flashlight. It would have been safe shelter in a tornado.

  2. Our root cellar was just a small room in the basement, on the north side. It was lined with shelves around the perimeter, with a single window well and a bare bulb ceiling fixture to provide light. Us kids thought it was kinda creepy. My older brother refused to go down there by himself and would always cajole me to go with him when Mom asked him to bring her a jar of whatever. I felt important to be asked to go along, so would always happily comply. It took me YEARS before I figured out he was scared--and then I unmercifully teased him about being a "big chicken--bock bock bock!!" Hah!
    I love these Sunday photos! It's fun, the memories they bring up...

    1. That is what we had at home and it wasn't too bad but my Grandma's was in her basement also and always creeped me out. I hated to go down there.


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