Sunday in Iowa...

Merry Christmas   
Hope you've been able to enjoy some time with your family and friends this year


  1. Just me and the hubby, but we had a good one. I hope y'all did.

  2. I love old-timey pictures like this. And although I know it makes me sound like an old fuddy-duddy, I do long for the feelings of daily life it represents.

    We had a lovely Christmas Day and hope you both did, too.

    1. The artist, Ken Zylla, was from Minnesota, where Myrna and I grew up, but it represents small towns all over the Midwest I think. He did a lot of calendar artwork.

  3. Such a lovely photo and love them old cars

  4. Sue, thanks much for letting me know the artist who painted the picture. I'm going to look him up now. :o)

  5. That lovely pic reminds me of my childhood in Connecticut. Long time I will turn 67 on 12/30. I feel very lucky to have grown up during that time. Happy New Year to you & yours...Blog on!😁👌👍

  6. Love the picture; tugs at heartstrings for sure. Thanks for sharing and hope 2021 is kind to you and your fanily.


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