Eggs A La King

This dish is one of my husband’s favorites – simple and quick. I’ve been making this dish all the years of our marriage. You can also use Easter eggs, and eliminate the peas and/or mushrooms if desired for plain creamed eggs or Eggs a la Goldenrod (a much fancier name than plain creamed eggs.)

Eggs a La King

4 Servings
4 large Eggs -- hard cooked
3 tablespoons Butter
3 tablespoons Flour, All-purpose
1 cup Skim Milk -- Made with 1/4 cup powdered milk and mushroom liquid and water
½ cup Heavy Cream or Whole Milk-- to make 1 1/2 cup total liquid
2 teaspoons onion flakes
1 teaspoon dill weed
4 ounces frozen peas -- thawed and drained well
4 ounces Canned Mushrooms – drained
Toast, biscuits, waffles or cornbread

• Place eggs in medium saucepan, cover with 1 inch of water, and bring to boil over high heat. Remove pan from heat, cover, and let sit for 10 minutes.
• Meanwhile, make white sauce from butter, flour and liquid. Add seasonings, and thawed peas and drained mushrooms.
• Peel eggs while hot, save a yolk for crumbled topping, chop remaining eggs in large chunks and gently stir into sauce. Serve over toast, biscuits, waffle or cornbread.
• Or, poach eggs until yolks are firm. Meanwhile, make white sauce, etc. Chop poached eggs and gently stir into sauce.

April 2010 cost: $ 1.97 or 50¢ per serving. Yield: 2 ½ cups

Serve with pickles and relishes and fruit for dessert.

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