We also portion things like extra cooked wild rice, drained canned or cooked beans, like black beans or chili beans, spaghetti sauces, homemade convenience food like cheese-filled shells, and cooked meats or poultry and freeze them. I keep them in a separate basket or two in my refrigerator freezer – I look there first when planning meals.
We buy good quality solid blocks of cheese at the Amish stores or Sam's or Costco. We shred some and portion them out in sizes we use as well as cubing some. We also portion blue and feta cheese crumbles. I keep the bottom drawer in my refrigerator freezer full of various cheeses that are ready to use. It's much less expensive than small packages at our grocery.
I have corralled all those other small packages into inexpensive dollar store plastic baskets so I can remove them and shift them around fairly easily. If you can find colored baskets, some folks keep food sorted by color. I now keep an inventory sheet on a clipboard that I mark up as I add or remove items from the freezer.

I keep homemade noodles and extra baked goods like cookies and pastries in covered boxes in the freezer to protect them.
When I defrost the freezer, it’s easy to stack those containers on a table or in my laundry basket, and then cover them with a heavy blanket if it’s warm outside, until I can put them back. That’s also the time I make sure my running inventory is accurate.
I don't really have room for seal-a-bag type equipment, and my turnover is fairly fast, as I home-can quite a bit of my meat and vegetables instead of freezing, but I know many folks like them.
If you dislike plastic packaging, use canning jars (leave some head space) or wrap your items like my meat market does – in freezer wrap. It actually lasts longer wrapped by them than the bags I package myself. They slice or cut and wrap all the items they sell without extra charge, so I save money on wrapping materials plus save on bulk-buying sale priced items. They don’t blink an eye at packaging 2 chops apiece, for example. I always wrap or have our meat and poultry wrapped in meal-size packages. I patty hamburger and sausage, etc. in my hamburger patty maker and freeze them - I can remove 2 or so at a time.
I believe that finally getting my freezer inventory under control has saved us a lot of money – less waste, less freezer burn, better product turnover and less headaches. As we watch prices rise now, this is more important than ever.
They make freezer bins? I'm just using tubs and they are sort of heavy to pull up. I'll have to check this out.
ReplyDeleteYes, they work best in an upright freezer.
DeleteThis is what they look like at Amazon...Freezer Binz
I only paid about $19 at our Costco. They may be seasonal there, I don't know.
I just organized our freezer too! It really does feel better knowing what is in there! :) I didn't know about the bins either, I will have to check into them!
ReplyDeleteGood for you! I'm good about freezing leftover portions but never label them. So it's a mystery dinner whenever I have to pull one out. I figure if it's red, it's tomato sauce based and if it's white it must be a cream sauce. That's my freezer organizing method ;) Stevie @ruffledfeathersandspilledmilk.com