Jellied Chicken

Myrna and I have been debating who would get to make “jellied chicken” for the blog.  We both have fond memories of it being served at one of her wedding showers – it’s an excellent dish for “ladies’ luncheons”, especially in Spring or Summer, but my husband says “Men like it too!”    Usually recipes for this are large, at least a 13x9” pan, so I had to make this version from "Betty Crocker Cooking for Two", it’s only 5 servings.  Notice the low calories!  Really good broth is the secret to the success of this dish, I used Myrna’s recipe.
The cookbook suggests this menu:  Jellied chicken, potato chips, baby lima beans, yeast rolls, fresh fruit in season, brownies.  We had it for lunch with homemade lard biscuits, green peas and orange custard for dessert.
                             Jellied Chicken
  1         tablespoon gelatin -- (1 envelope)
  1 ¼     cups hot chicken broth
  2         cups cooked chicken -- cut up
     ½     teaspoon salt

Soften gelatin in 2 tbsp. cold water.  Dissolve in hot broth.  Cool until thickenend.  Add chicken and salt.
Pour into oiled 9 x 5 x 3" loaf pan.
Chill until set.  Unmold on cold platter.  Serve cooled, with mayonnaise, if desired.
Garnish with olive slices, or parsley bouquets, radish roses, tomato wedges, or lettuce hearts.
Yield:  "3 cups"
Per Serving: 99 Calories; 3g Fat (24.2% calories from fat); 17g Protein; trace Carbohydrate; 0g Dietary Fiber; 48mg Cholesterol; 258mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 2 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Other Carbohydrates.


  1. I've never heard of this one, Sue... Jellied chicken sounds a bit different, but I'd be willing to try it once.

    I've seen jellied entrees similar to this "frosted" with a mayonnaise mixture of some kind; would such an addition work with this recipe?

    And what goes into such a "frosting"? Have you a recipe for such a thing?

  2. While I eat most things....I just dont think I could swallow this one! Thanks for sharing, but I will pass.

  3. Hi from Australia,
    it sounds and looks great. I will add to my recipe stash.
    It is similar to a mixed meat loaf I make after Christmas with the left over meats. "Brawn". Your Chicken loaf will be great with a salad.

    1. Yes I remember my mother calling it brawn but don’t remember her adding gelatine

  4. Thanks for the simple recipe for this hot-weather dish. Looking forward to serving it tomorrow :)
    [Valerie, NZ]

    1. Hope you like it, Valerie. We'd like some of your summer weather right about now!

  5. My Canadian grandmother regularly made this and she and I loved it!

  6. I remember my Mom making this back in the 50's; grew up on it. I remember it being made with Thanksgiving left overs as an entree or in sandwiches. The picture looks just like I remember my Mom's.... However, I've never made it myself because back in the day, there was no internet and actually forgot about it; didn't have recipe. My heritage comes from Ukraine/Russia. It was considered "poor man's food"-- ironic how many of those foods have now become "fashionable" so to speak. Finding your recipe has now inspired my daughter to make it as well.

  7. Back in the 50's & 60's Morrell's used to make a "jellied chicken loaf" luncheon meat and my folks and sibling took it with us on long car rides and ate the chicken loaf on tea-buns with sweet gherkin pickles. I have been trying to find somewhere to buy it, but looks like I'm going to have to try to make it myself...Thanks for the recipe.

  8. I remember my grandmother making this. I loved it, but I never got her recipe. Thanks so much for sharing. Can't wait to make it for my family!

  9. Marcia Adams featured jellied chicken loaf sandwiches in her Cooking from Quilt Country cookbook. My daughter got rid of my cookbooks and the library does not have it. I’d love to get the recipe back.

  10. Sorry...Myrna owned the Marcia Adams cookbook but I never found one. Maybe you should try to have your library get it for you on an interlibrary loan.


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