Freezing Rhubarb

  My rhubarb, that is growing in a pot, has enjoyed the cool wet weather we have had this spring. I had picked it three times and thought I would let it grow and the roots get a good start. Well, I ended up picking it again. This time I was busy doing other things so decided to freeze it. So many fruits are work to freeze, but rhubarb and blueberries are some of the easy ones. If using it in a dessert or pie do not thaw as it will get watery. Just use as is.  According to the Ball Blue Book of Canning and Freezing, which is the way I have always done it, this is simple, quick and foolproof. Four steps and you are done.
Freezing Rhubarb
Remove leaves and ends discarding any blemished spots.
Wash under running water, I always drain and let dry so there is no extra moisture.
Cut into one inch lengths (or size you prefer)

Dry Pack: Measure out the amount you have so you know when you go to use it. Place in freezer bags, freezer containers or plastic freezer jars. I prefer freezer bags so you can spread it out and freeze flat. Seal, label and freeze.

Sugar Pack: Mix 1 part sugar to 4 parts rhubarb. Allow to stand until sugar is dissolved. Pack rhubarb into plastic freezer jars or plastic freezer containers. Seal; label and freeze.

1 comment:

  1. Easy, Peezy!! I have tried growing rhubarb two years in a row. Last year was drought and this year too wet!! Will try again next year. M


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