Sunday in Iowa

Tomorrow is Candlemas is halfway between the first day of Winter and the first day of Spring...
wise farmers should still have "Half their wood and half their hay"...
This farmer has some baled stover or corn stalks, and some hay...
there was wood stacked near an outdoor wood boiler-furnace...
is it half what he needs?
January was unusually mild here for us; February is starting off with plenty of snow

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know the significance of Candlemas day. So now that I know, I am glad that we are halfway to Spring. We had a fairly mild January here near St. Louis, Missouri, too. Today it was raining off and on, but not too cold. I pretended it was already spring and went out and planted some flower seeds that I forgot to do last fall. Tonight the wind has changed and the rain has turned to black ice on the road. A bad night for driving.


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