Cookbook Reviews...Crisco Cooking

When Myrna brought this book to coffee time, I took it home and decided I had to have one too.  It was published in 1982, and is full of great recipes that use basic foods and few mixes.  There are appetizers and soups, meats, poultry, fish and shellfish, vegetables and fruits, and, needless to say, great chapters on baking, like yeast breads, quick breads, cakes, pies and pastry and cookies.
All the recipes have numbered steps, which make them easy to read and follow.  
If you are not a shortening user, I found I could usually substitute butter, lard or an oil, depending on the recipe.  The photos and presentation are surprisingly sophisticated and the recipes are not just basics but have a nice twist on the usual.


  1. I remember when Crisco was 50 cents for a 3# can. I only buy the small one now. Just don't use it like I used to. I make probably less then half a dozen pies in a year now, though I used to use it with butter to fry potatoes, etc. I'd be really tempted to make that dessert on the cover! It looks like a split cream puff type pastry. Yum!

    Happy Weekend!

    1. I don't use Crisco either...I use butter, non-hydrogenated lard or olive oil...but I found I didn't need it for the recipes in this book. And aren't those berries beautiful!

  2. Crisco makes recipe's taste so good. But, don't use it now either. My doctor would beat me with a stick.

    1. Gosh, am I the only one who stills uses Crisco? I won't make pie crust without it and so far my Dr hasn't said I can't have it.
      It is vegetable shortening. What do you use to grease your baking pans with?

  3. I only use Crisco for pie crust...mixed with butter. Baking pans are greased with oil or spray. I don't bake much at all anymore.

    1. Nadine, Interesting, I do sometimes oil pans but I think I am spraying impaired. I usually end up using Crisco and than flouring the pans.


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