Do You Remember?

Summer picnic at our Grandfather's Aunt Hattie's home
Notice the chocolate layer cake in the bottom photo

Do you remember…?

When family get-togethers in the summer were outside in any available shade due to lack of air conditioning?

When the only lawn furniture was kitchen and dining tables and chairs carried out to the yard by the men?

When women wore pretty, cool cotton summer dresses?

When folks hadn't heard about backyard grills - lunch was fried chicken and potato salad?

When a 2 layer chocolate cake with white 7-minute icing was the perfect ending to a back yard picnic?


  1. You always manage to bring back so many good memories with your "Do You Remember" posts! I look back fondly on those pretty, light-weight summer dresses the "older" women used to wear. I suppose I'm grateful for the tank tops and (modest!) shorts we can wear now, but they're not nearly as pretty!

    1. I don't know if I think they (shorts) keep you as cool as some of the pretty sundresses I had as a teenager and the dresses the adults in our lives wore.

    2. Oh, I agree with you wholeheartedly on that fact! I guess I was thinking of the "comfort" of shorts or light-weight pants when working out in the garden. You know, . . . up, down, bending over, crawling along the ground!

    3. OH, yeah, the garden work is really not the place for "pretty" sundresses.

  2. At first glance, I thought you had been in my photo box! I had not thought about those picnics for a long time. My dad's brothers and sisters and families would all get together at one of their farms for July 4th. Men played baseball in the cow pasture! I now wonder if they used cow pies for bases. We had the required picnics and the fireworks in the evening.The kids always had sparklers, black snakes and the little finger firecrackers. I remember the adults holding Roman candles, which is not allowed today since so many got hurt. Oh my, the memories you stirred up for me!

    1. We also played croquet...the grandparents skunked us...they were serious players! And we played under the yard light in the evening.

  3. What beautiful memories! I also remember putting magazines under table legs so they wouldn't wobble.... lovely pics ! Playing hide and go seek in twilight. Catching fireflies...summer seemed to last a lifetime! 🤗

    1. The endless summers of our youth are special Memories aren't they.


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