Sunday in Iowa...

This was once a gas station halfway between Pella and Oskaloosa, Iowa
  on Highway 163  (built in 1930)


  1. I remember a gas station somewhat like that when living in Pomeroy, Iowa. I like the sign that they put up; 'Half-Way Station'. Nice to see that the old station has been restored. I even like that old vintage outside pole light.

  2. It's got personality and charm so different from today.

  3. Oh, for the days when a private person could have a business like that and support his family! And, no doubt, give good, honest, reliable service in exchange for a reasonable charge.

  4. What a great post!!! "The Halfway Station" is a remembrance from simpler times and days when a family could work together, operating a small business. Just PRECIOUS!!! This building "speaks" and it says so much if you take the time to listen. Thank you!

  5. Apparently the owners of the property (they live in the house behind the station) keep it up for the pleasure of all. In the 1850's there was small village here called Laredo...they moved (even their church building) to Leighton, Iowa when the railroad bypassed them. Before that there was a just a post office called 9 Mile (exactly the half-way distance). Both were long gone by the 1930's.

  6. Sue; Thank You for sharing a bit of history with us.
    Here in Lillian, Tx I think they may be restoring the old bank building here which once was robbed by Bonnie and Clyde
    Picture of the old bank building as it stands today.

  7. Oh my goodness, I love this little station! When we were children, my brother and I would always watch for it. Thanks for the extra history about Laredo.


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