Sunday in Iowa...

Snow or not...
still have to hang the wash 
near Cantril, Iowa  
We got 2 rounds of snow this week, about 6 inches on the ground with freezing rain on top...not our first snow but it's lasting a few days


  1. That's gonna be cold laundry :)

    1. Well, it kind of freeze-dries. Myrna and I got a lot of stiff, freeze-dried laundry off the line when we were kids.

    2. Yes, and we froze along with the laundry!

  2. In the years before I had a clothes dryer inside, I also froze my hands hanging the laundry outside. I tried all forms of gloves (mittens just didn't work!) but never found anything that wasn't extremely clumsy. I graduated to two large folding racks (inside) that I liked much better. But still, large pieces like the sheets got hung on the lines outside. If there was a breeze, they "dried" much better but I remember hauling the still-frozen sheets into the house and draping them over the backs of chairs to finish drying. What good times! (????)

  3. Ah yes......freeze dried laundry. I remember it well as a kid in Connecticut. I also remember my mom & sister stringing clothes lines in the kitchen & hanging clothes to it was probably the warmest place in the house.

  4. Thank you for continuing on with this blog. You brighten my days with recipes and memories like this ❤️


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