Sunday in Iowa...

This is a huge northern Catalpa tree in a neighborhood near our grocery store.  The ground is covered with flower "snow".
The trees have long "beans" that develop after they's a messy tree but there are some scattered around town including across the street from our home.  They are loaded with flowers this year, as we have had ample frequent rain.  Here's a closeup of the flowers.  


  1. My grandparents had two HUGE catalpa trees on either side of their house in the front. They shaded their screened-in front porch where we all congregated on warm summer evenings. When I was small and got to stay overnight there with my young aunts still living at home, we slept out on the porch and I can vividly remember lying there looking up at the moon and stars through the leaves of those two trees. Thanks for the memories!

  2. What pretty flowers and although messy it provides wonderful shade.

  3. There's one of these at the end of my block! I always wondered what type of tree it was! love the flowers

  4. Oh, how wonderful to see these trees. I have two of them and I love them. I live outside Canberra in New South Wales (Australia) and these trees are not well known here. In winter the beautiful, but timid, king parrots feast on the bean pods. Sadly this winter maybe because of the drought there are no bean pods. I look forward to spring when the beautiful blossoms arrive.


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